Additional Details Tab

The Additional Details tab displays additional information regarding the expense. The fields that display on the tab vary based on the Wizard Type selected on the Basic Information tab. If the expense has been used on an expense report, most of the fields are disabled.

Screen Fields

See below for details regarding each field:

Field Description

Click to select the appropriate provider for this expense. The valid values are all providers in the Providers screen where the Active checkbox is selected. This field is optional and is available for all wizard types.

Note: If you are viewing an existing record, this field is non-editable when the Expense Report ID and Expense ID fields have values. If they do not have values, you can change or add a provider.

Enter a merchant name, ID, or other information regarding the merchant that was used for this expense. This is used for informational purposes to more easily identify the expense for the employee. This field is optional and is available for all wizard types.

Note: If you are viewing an existing record, this field is non-editable when the Expense Report ID and Expense ID fields have values. If they do not have values, you can change or add a merchant.
Start Date/Check-in Date/Departure Date

This field displays if the Wizard Type is Car Rental, Lodging, or Transportation.

Click to enter the start date/check-in date/departure date for this expense. This field is required. If the expense is for a car rental, this field is called Start Date. If the expense is for lodging, this field is called Check-In Date. If the expense is for transportation, this field is called Departure Date.

Note: If you are viewing an existing record, this field is non-editable when the Expense Report ID and Expense ID fields have values. If they do not have values, you can change the start date/check-in date/departure date.
End Date/Check-out Date/Return Date

This field displays if the Wizard Type is Car Rental, Lodging, or Transportation.

Click to enter the end date/check-out date/return date for this expense. If the expense is for car rental, this field is called End Date. If the expense is for lodging, this field is called Check-out Date. If the expense is for transportation, this field is called Return Date. For all other types of expenses, this field is not displayed. If displayed, this field is required.

Note: If you are viewing an existing record, this field is non-editable when the Expense Report ID and Expense ID fields have values. If they do not have values, you can change the end date/check-out date/return date.
Agreement Number/Ticket Number

This field displays if the Wizard Type is Car Rental, Lodging, or Transportation. This field is optional.

Enter the agreement number/ticket number for this expense. If the expense is for car rental, this field is called Agreement Number. If the expense is for transportation, this field is called Ticket Number.

Note: If you are viewing an existing record, this field is non-editable when the Expense Report ID and Expense ID fields have values. If they do not have values, you can change or add the agreement number/ticket number.
Pickup Location

This field displays if the Wizard Type is Car Rental. Enter the pickup location for this expense. This field is optional.

Note: If you are viewing an existing record, this field is non-editable when the Expense Report ID and Expense ID fields have values. If they do not have values, you can change or add the pickup location.
Return Location

This field displays if the Wizard Type is Car Rental. Enter the return location for this expense. This field is optional.

Note: If you are viewing an existing record, this field is non-editable when the Expense Report ID and Expense ID fields have values. If they do not have values, you can change or add a return location.
Number of Nights

This field displays if the Wizard Type is Lodging and is a calculated field. Deltek Expense subtracts the Check-In Date from the Check-Out Date to determine the number of days for the lodging expense. This field is required.


This field displays if the Wizard Type is Lodging. Enter the location for this expense. This field is optional.

Note: If you are viewing an existing record, this field is non-editable when the Expense Report ID and Expense ID fields have values. If they do not have values, you can change or add a location.
Room per Night

This field displays if the Wizard Type is Lodging. Enter the amount that was spent per night for the lodging expense. This field is required.

Note: If you are viewing an existing record, this field is non-editable when theExpense Report ID and Expense ID fields have values. If they do not have values, you can change the room per night amount.
Tax per Night

This field displays if the Wizard Type is Lodging. Enter the amount that was spent per night on taxes for the lodging expense. This field is required.

Note: If you are viewing an existing record, this field is non-editable when the Expense Report ID and Expense ID fields have values. If they do not have values, you can change the tax per night amount.

This field displays if the Wizard Type is Transportation. Enter the itinerary for this expense. This field is optional.

Note: If you are viewing an existing record, this field is non-editable when the Expense Report ID and Expense ID fields have values. If they do not have values, you can change the itinerary for this expense.

Enter a comment for this expense. This field is optional and is available for all wizard types.

Note: If you are viewing an existing record, this field is non-editable when the Expense Report ID and Expense ID fields have values. If they do not have values, you can change or add a comment for this expense.